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PTO Positions

Our PTO positions are listed below. Click on the title to see a brief description of what that position or committee does. It takes lots of volunteers to make our programs and events a success and we hope you will find a good fit for you! Open positions are listed in red.

If you are interested in a position, email Lesli Breeden, PTO President.

Executive Board

+ President


+ Vice President


+ Parliamentarian


+ Treasurer


+ Secretary


PTO Board

Redhawk Ambassadors

AR Store

+ Book Fair

The Book Fair Committee assists the Library Media Specialist (librarian) in planning, organizing, and running the Scholastic Book Fair twice per school year. The committee is in charge of setting up and decorating the fair space(library and hall), as well as coordinating parent volunteers and running the book fair during business hours. Finally, the committee is responsible for breaking down and packing up the fair materials at the end of each fair. Volunteering for the Scholastic Book Fair is a fun and rewarding way to get involved at Richland. Join us today!

Community Rewards

Capital Campaign

Children in Need

Copy Chair

Event Treasurer

Field Day

Grant Writer

Grounds Beautification

Hospitality PTO Events

New Students Welcome

Lunchroom Volunteers

+ Online Auction

The auction committee will organize and prep auction donation items. They will reach out to donors with the help of PTO members, PTO board members, teachers for teacher experiences and room sponsors. They will advertise and have signage made. The committee will add items to Bidding Owl (or an alternative site) for preview and then open bidding the day of the auction. They will contact the winners and deliver items afterwards.

Spirit Events

Trunk or Treat

Read-A-Thon/Spaghetti Night

Room Sponsor

Safety Chair

Skate Nights

+ Webmaster

This position is responsible for maintaining the PTO website. It requires staying up to date on all Richland happenings, compiling information from the weekly PTO emails, school and PTO Facebook posts and the school website to make sure our site stays up to date. We maintain the online store, setting up products for sale and track the orders as they come through, making sure that orders through the website are fulfilled. This is a great role for someone who prefers to be behind the scenes and great for a working parent, as it can all be done in the evenings!

Richland Redhawk Parents Facebook Page

Spring Fling

Teacher Birthdays

Titles for Tomorrow

Watch D.O.G.S.

+ Yearbook

Yearbook co-chairs are responsible for the sales, production and distribution of the Richland yearbook. This is a job that can be done primarily in the evenings or weekends, so it's great for a working parent thata can't be at school during the day. Through the fall semester, responsibilities are minimal (1 hour/week) and include:

  • Taking photos at events
  • Soliciting photo submissions from parents
  • Marketing and sales for y earbook and 5th grade ads
  • Coordinating yearbook cover art contest

The busiest time is January through March to compile a complete, accurate book that represents the diverse student population at Richland. During these months, you may spend as much as 6-8 hours/week working on the book, but it's really fun and rewarding work!