Richland Redhawks,

Friday, June 11th, was the final Yearbook Distribution before Summer!

You may have heard that many of the Yearbooks contain photos and portraits that are out of focus. Balfour has offered us FREE reprints, but the deadline to request a reprint is THIS FRIDAY! To know if your book is one of the imperfect ones, quickly check the following pages for blurry photos along the right few inches of the right pages: 9-15, 25-31, 41-47, 57-63 and 73-79.

Whether you have already received a Yearbook or still want to purchase one, we have OPTIONS for getting you the best book possible.

  • For those who received a pre-ordered Yearbook last week: If you received a Yearbook with imperfectly-printed pages, you may request a Reprint NO LATER THAN THIS FRIDAY, JUNE 11, at 10:00pm via email ONLY. Only requests sent via email to will be counted in the quantity of Reprints, and you may pick up at the school when they arrive in mid-July. *Please note that you must trade in your original Yearbook in order to receive the Reprint, but it is fine to remove any autographed pages to keep and insert into your new copy.

  • For those who recently purchased online but have not yet received their copy: The Yearbook Staff will be in front of the school in-person THIS FRIDAY, June 11, from 8:00-8:30am and 3:00-3:45pm. You may either pick up your Yearbook then, or take a look and determine if you'd like to keep or replace it. See instructions for requesting Reprints above. OR you may simply not pick up your copy yet, and you will automatically receive one of the Reprints when they arrive mid-July.

  • For those who have not yet ordered: It's not too late! You still may purchase one while supplies last, either online at OR in-person in front of the school THIS FRIDAY, June 11, from 8:00-8:30am and 3:00-3:45pm. Online orders must be placed BY THURSDAY, JUNE 10, at 10:00pm to be ready for pick-up on Friday. Follow the same instructions listed above "for those who recently purchased online..." For in-person orders, cash or credit will be accepted, and any requests for Reprints from these purchases still must be emailed to by Friday, June 11 at 10:00pm.

  • For those who pre-ordered a Yearbook but have not yet received it: Please contact your child's teacher as soon as possible to arrange pick-up of your book, especially if you would like to review it before the Reprint Request Deadline this Friday!

Please do not hesitate to contact The Yearbook Staff with any questions at

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we get this worked out. We are Richland Strong!

We hope you enjoy and cherish this keepsake from our unusual and memorable school year!